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A CodeRunner like Color Scheme for Sublime Text 2, with exanded HTML, CSS, & LESS variants as well

At GitHub, we're building the text editor we've always wanted: hackable to the core, but approachable on the first day without ever touching a config file. We can't wait to see what you build with it.

  • A simple plugin to use the current file as source code, run it and show the result. It is just like the Mac App CodeRunner, but with less feature. ST3 support is in SublimeText3 branch. Currently supported command: runcode; runcodecustom; you can bind your key to the command like this: 'keys': 'ctrl+r', 'command.
  • Moodle plugins directory: CodeRunner: Versions: 3.3.0. Question types: CodeRunner. Maintained by Richard Lobb, Tim Hunt. A question type that allows question authors to set programming questions in which the student answer is code in some programming language, which is graded by running it. More generally it can handle any.
  • Download Coderunner v3.0 MacOSX - Professional software to edit and run any programming language for Mac. By Ho Chu Nghia. October 1, 2018.



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Coderunner 3 reddit

A CodeRunner like Color Scheme for Sublime Text 2, extended for Javascript, Markdown, HTML, CSS, & LESS variants as well

Coderunner 3 0

A CodeRunner like Color Scheme for Sublime Text 2, extended for Javascript, Markdown, HTML, CSS, & LESS variants as well

This is a tool to run codes and check outputs.

When you learn/teach programming languagesyou will write small codes.

Pairs of those codes and outputs are tests.To store and run them helps to know what is changed.


It may fail. Don't get discouraged.It is better if it works in various environment without customization,however it is hard work and is not main scope of the project.Please read following instruction to modify settings to fit your environment.


You need to run can also do $sudomakeinstall ):

It it fail by lack of setuptools, try this:

Expected executables¶

in case of plain Ubuntu 12.04¶

‘executable test' warns if expected executables aren't found.When I tried it on Ubuntu 12.04 (2012-02-02), it said as follow


$ python –exec-testcheck whether expected executables exist:Python/usr/bin/python2.7RubyTest ‘Ruby' expected executable named ‘ruby1.9' in $PATH. Password vault manager 6 2 0 0 g theme.

install it or make symbolic link to it in coderunner/bin/ PerlTest ‘Perl' expected executable named ‘perl5' in $PATH.

install it or make symbolic link to it in coderunner/bin/

JavaScriptTest ‘JS' expected executable named ‘node' in $PATH.

install it or make symbolic link to it in coderunner/bin/

SchemeTest ‘Scheme' expected executable named ‘gosh' in $PATH.

install it or make symbolic link to it in coderunner/bin/

JavaTest ‘Java' expected executable named ‘javac' in $PATH.

install it or make symbolic link to it in coderunner/bin/

C/usr/bin/gccC++Test ‘Cpp' expected executable named ‘g++' in $PATH.

install it or make symbolic link to it in coderunner/bin/

C#Test ‘CSharp' expected executable named ‘gmcs' in $PATH.

install it or make symbolic link to it in coderunner/bin/

So I did as follows

$ sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.3 nodejs gauche openjdk-7-jdk g++ mono-gmcs$ cd bin$ ln -s /usr/bin/ruby1.9.3 ruby1.9$ ln -s /usr/bin/perl5.14.2 perl5

in case of Rackhub¶

I tried the test on `Rackhub` (2012-06-10)It warned as follow:

It can fix as follow:

At that time I didn't support C# yet. Not using yet.

About Java7¶

Coderunner 3 Review

When I install Java7 on Mac OS X, it was installed in/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.7.0.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java`Oracle suggests to switch default jre using GUI`_, however I don't like it. I add another test runner which refer to ‘java7' and ‘javac7',then put symbolic links in coderunner/bin/ .

Make money gambling online free. In Linux you can install as follows

About Smalltalk¶

Coderunner Download

I installed squeak with Squeak-4.3-All-in-One.It doesn't have ability to write stdout, so I installed OSProcess additionaly.I made image with OSProcess. Though it takes 16MB, I didn't commit in the repository.I hardcoded path of Squeak executable and the image in bin/ modify it as fit to your environment.

Coderunner Free

It may be better way to use gnu-smalltalk. On Ubuntu, apt-get install gnu-smalltalk works well.On my Mac port install gst not works.

Coderunner 3 0 M


  • It is too high hurdle for users to install all language beforehand.Test should be ignored when its prerequisite not satisfied.
    • current impl.: when _subproc failed with OSError, print error message and continue.It should be brushed up.
    • currently Smalltalk test call bin/ and fail in it.It is not trapped.
  • To make test case easily, helper script needed.
    • Input is a file which contains some codes separated with 'n—-n'
    • Output is a test script
  • support Common Lisp, OCaml, etc.

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